14 January 2025
You the matric class of 2024 lived through an international pandemic, adaptations to the education system, shortened academic years, struggles to access the necessary tools, was forced to be creative and improvise and to put in the extra mileage and today we join many in congratulating you on passing matric and preparing for tertiary education.
It is the result of dedication, commitment, sacrifice, faith and prayer and we continue to offer prayers for successful studies and your contribution to the building of a society free from poverty and struggle as active members contributing to our economic development as a country.
Whilst we address this congratulatory note to learners, we equally acknowledge the role played by teachers, principals, leaders in the education fraternal, parents and siblings as your support structure who
displayed the same dedication and commitment as you, the learners did.
We wish you well as you enter tertiary training or the job market and wish to remind you that this is, but the beginning of a journey filled with excitement and challenges, and we pray that you may achieve what you set yourself out to.
As for those who did not make the cut this time around and who did not receive the result hoped for, be reminded that this is not the end but that you make the best of the opportunities given as you make a comeback with your head held high and push on with determination, perseverance, and courage.
Keep going, make the best of your chances and know that He within is greater than He without and will carry you through as you strive towards greatness.
We as a church and community will always be there to support and encourage you on your journey to be equipped for the challenges of the adult world.
May God bless your future endeavours.