Anglican Diocese of George

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64 Nelson Mandela Boulevard
George, 6530


+27 66 468 6917
087 188 4675

Bishop of GeorgeThe Rt. Revd Edwin Desmond Pockpass087 188 4675 
 [email protected]
Diocesan AdministratorMrs. Marlene Matthews 087 188 4677
[email protected] 
Diocesan ArchivistThe Revd. Oriel Alby[email protected]
Diocesan BookkeeperMs. Penny Taylor-Ryan087 188 4676 
[email protected]
Diocesan ReceptionistMs. Pamela Blauw087 188 4674 
[email protected]
Bishop’s Secretary Mrs. Philicia Stephens087 188 4675 
[email protected]
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